The Trent Student Annual Yearbook is a student led, managed and created publication.
The 2023-24 Yearbooks are almost here!
We expect them to arrive this week (Sept 16-20th) and hope to have them shipped to you as soon as possible.
If you missed the original shipment deadline, you can still fill out our order form to receive your books! We’ll send out late orders as we get them, so there may be a bit of a wait, but they’ll still get to you.
We want your photos, your stories and your ideas.
If you have an idea for the yearbook and want to have a spread for your college, club, group, team or department, please get in touch with the editor at editor@trentannual.ca
About Grad Photos – while Miranda Studio is our faithful grad photo provider here in Peterborough, we also accept formal grad photos from any photographer or supplier as long as they adhere to our grad photo specifications.
You can also send in your “grad selfie” for the grad selfie section.
The deadline for grad photos is usually a couple of days after convocation. You can get your grad selfie photo done while you’re in your gown on your special day.
Submit your formal grad photos here.
Submit your grad selfies here.
This is YOUR book and we want you to be part of it!