Have your COVID-19 pandemic experiences recorded for posterity! 2020 is a unique year for everyone in the world and you as a Trent student, regardless of where on the planet you are completing our studies, are having unique and exceptional experiences that will be remembered for generations. Here is your chance to have your experiences published for posterity in the Trent Annual Yearbook for the 2020-21 academic year. This yearbook will be unlike any other and will be a truly unique keepsake that you will want to look back on throughout your life. Send us your photos, thoughts and reflections about how you are feeling, how you are coping. Tell us what you miss the most about in person learning. Or let us know what you love or what makes you sad about distance learning. If you are part of a club, group, team, department or class, choose someone in your group to upload photos and a short story or essay about how you are maintaining contact and supporting each other during this time. Deadline Fall Term: December 15th, 2020Deadline Winter Term: March 5th, 2021 Click here to go to the photo upload page. Read More "You are a part of history!"

Pick Up Your Yearbook!
Yearbooks have been distributed around campus at the Student Hubs. The hub locations are: DNA building – go through C section door, turn right, about 10 steps down the hallway is the hub Athletics – right across from the main front desk Blackburn – in registrar’s office Library – near main desk TCSA Office You can stop by and ask for your yearbook any time the hub locations are open. The convocation of spring 2021 may also include a deferred convocation for 2020 graduates. We will be handing out both the 2019-20 and 2020-21 books then. Read More "Pick Up Your Yearbook!"